
First Post


This is the first post for my GitHub page. This is my second time trying to make a suitable GitHub page. The first time I tried it, it was largely through copying some other template. The process was quite draining, since in order to produce some desired result it required an extensive search through the Jekyll format without much knowledge of how it works. Recently, I have just completed my second semester of my master’s program in data science at JHU and afterwards I immediately took three courses on Git and GitHub from Team Treehouse. The knowledge enriched my understanding of how both Git and GitHub can be useful for anyone interested in a career involving programming.

I decided then to recreate the GitHub page into a useful format that was different from what was done before. This version is much simpler and the design starts from a much more plain theme with me adding additional features in a way where there’s a better understanding of what’s going on. The goal of this GitHub page then is to serve as a platform where I can update it with occasional blog posts, upload my portfolio of projects, and to complete my goal of producing an archive of the knowldge that I gain through the years of academic study.

There’s still a long way to go in regards to the ‘Archive’ section, where the plan is to upload writeups ranging from Probability Theory to Artificial Intelligence. These documents will serve as an easy reference for the notes that I take from the various classes that I’ve taken while at UCD and JHU. However, a good portion of this website is complete in relation to the basic functions of having a GitHub page that works and has been uploaded with basic information. Looking at GitHub pages from others, I notice that it often becomes a website that’s forgotten within a few months time. However, I think that it’s a good platform for someone such as myself that’s considering a career in data science. With such a platform I can further include accomplishments such as projects, kaggle competitions (once I get going at it), and anything else that I think would fit being published. Even if others don’t quite come across this website and read too deeply into it, I think that’s it could become a good reminder for myself and where I have been so that I can continue to make progress. 加油!